Domestic violence and communication technology: Survivor experiences of intrusion, surveillance, and identity crime

, , , Salter, Michael, Easton, Helen, Lynch, Angela, Campbell, Helen, Leach, Jhan, & Milne, Lulu (2019) Domestic violence and communication technology: Survivor experiences of intrusion, surveillance, and identity crime. The Australian Communications Consumer Action Network (ACCAN), Australia.

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The research investigated how domestic violence perpetrators intrude on victim’s lives via unwanted contact, unauthorised access to telecommunications accounts and devices, and identity theft in Australia. Domestic violence (DV) victims comprise a large group of vulnerable consumers whose rights, privacy, and security are compromised when telecommunication services and devices are misused. Access to safe and secure information communication services are essential for victims’ social engagement and information and help-seeking. This research addresses a knowledge deficit in this area and identifies future industry, platform, and state research, regulation, and prevention initiatives to improve telecommunication outcomes for victims.

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ID Code: 131143
Item Type: Book/Report (Commissioned Report)
Measurements or Duration: 0 pages
Pure ID: 33414476
Divisions: Past > QUT Faculties & Divisions > Faculty of Law
Past > Institutes > Institute for Future Environments
Current > Schools > School of Justice
Current > Research Centres > Crime, Justice & Social Democracy Research Centre
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Copyright Owner: 2019 The Author(s) and QUT
Copyright Statement: This work is copyright, licensed under the Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International Licence. You are free to cite, copy, communicate and adapt this work, so long as you attribute the authors and ?QUT, supported by a grant from the Australian Communications Consumer Action Network.? To view a copy of this licence, visit
Deposited On: 05 Jul 2019 00:44
Last Modified: 11 Feb 2025 19:41