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Number of items: 255.


, Davidson, Jane W., & (2024) Conclusion. In Del Favero, Dennis, Thurow, Susanne, Ostwald, Michael J., & Frohne, Ursula (Eds.) Climate Disaster Preparedness: Reimagining Extreme Events through Art and Technology. Springer, Cham, Switzerland, pp. 215-219.

Lobato, Ramon, Douglas, James, Scarlata, Alexa, & (2024) Cultural policy between television and digital platforms: the case of SVOD regulation in Australia. International Journal of Cultural Policy, 30(1), pp. 1-16.
Number of citations in Scopus 3
Number of citations in Web of Science® 3


, Mehta, Smith, , & (2023) YouTube: The Interface between Television and Social Media Entertainment. In Johnson, Derek (Ed.) From Networks to Netflix: A Guide to Changing Channels. [2nd ed.]. Routledge, New York, NY, pp. 213-222.
Number of citations in Scopus 4


(2022) Interfacing with Industry. In McDonald, Paul (Ed.) The Routledge Companion to Media Industries. Routledge, Abingdon, Oxon, pp. 498-507.
Number of citations in Scopus 2

& (2022) State Actor Policy and Regulation Across the Platform-SVOD Divide. In Flew, Terry & Martin, Fiona R. (Eds.) Digital Platform Regulation: Global Perspectives on Internet Governance. Palgrave Macmillan, Cham, Switzerland, pp. 191-208.
Number of full-text downloads 91


Cunningham, Stuart & Craig, David (Eds.) (2021) Creator Culture: An Introduction to Global Social Media Entertainment. NYU Press, United States of America.

Scarlata, Alexa, Lobato, Ramon, & (2021) Producing local content in international waters: the case of Netflix's Tidelands. Continuum, 35(1), pp. 137-150.
Number of citations in Scopus 13
Number of citations in Web of Science® 10

& Craig, David (2021) 'Tech- Tonic' Shifts: The U.S. and China Models of Online Screen Distribution. In McDonald, Paul, Donoghue, Courtney, & Havens, Timothy (Eds.) Digital Media Distribution: Portals, Platforms, Pipelines. NYU Press, New York, NY, pp. 145-163.

Craig, David, Lin, Jian, & (2021) Wanghong as Social Media Entertainment in China. Palgrave Studies in Globalization, Culture and Society. Palgrave Macmillan, Cham, Switzerland.


Ellingsen, Steinar, Turnbull, Susan Elisabeth, Bassaget, Joël, , Evans, Nicola, Burkholder, Meredith, King, Emilia, , , & (2020) Quibi disaster: How to lose $1.75b on something you don't understand. Screen Hub, 10 November 2020. [Featured article]
Number of full-text downloads 1,181

& Scarlata, Alexa (2020) New forms of internationalisation? The impact of Netflix in Australia. Media International Australia, 177(1), pp. 149-164.
Number of full-text downloads 215
Number of citations in Scopus 26
Number of citations in Web of Science® 22

Kerrigan, Susan, , McIntyre, Phillip, , & (2020) The creative sustainability of screen business in the Australian regions. Studies in Australasian Cinema, 14(2), pp. 111-129.
Number of full-text downloads 170
Number of citations in Scopus 3
Number of citations in Web of Science® 3

& Craig, David (2020) Global social media entertainment. In Shimpach, Shawn (Ed.) The Routledge Companion to Global Television. Routledge, New York, NY, pp. 49-59.

, , , & (2020) Gold Coast Independent Screen Production. Digital Media Research Centre, Queensland University of Technology, Brisbane, Qld.
Number of full-text downloads 1,486

, , , & (2020) The relationship between creative employment and local economies outside capital cities. In Hearn, Greg (Ed.) The Future of Creative Work: Creativity and Digital Disruption. Edward Elgar Publishing, Cheltenham, pp. 34-56.
Number of full-text downloads 86
Number of citations in Scopus 4


, Craig, David, & Lv, Junyi (2019) China's livestreaming industry: platforms, politics, and precarity. International Journal of Cultural Studies, 22(6), pp. 719-736.
Number of full-text downloads 1,691
Number of citations in Scopus 95
Number of citations in Web of Science® 86

& Craig, David (2019) Creator Governance in Social Media Entertainment. Social Media and Society, 5(4), pp. 1-11.
Number of full-text downloads 201
Number of citations in Scopus 62
Number of citations in Web of Science® 53

& (2019) Over the horizon: YouTube culture meets Australian screen culture. In Bye, S, Collins, F, & Landman, J (Eds.) A companion to Australian cinema (Wiley Blackwell Companions to National Cinemas). John Wiley & Sons, United States of America, pp. 472-492.
Number of citations in Scopus 1

& (2019) Engagement and impact through 'amplifier platforms'. Australian Universities' Review, 61(2), pp. 42-48.
Number of full-text downloads 134
Number of citations in Scopus 2
Number of citations in Web of Science® 2

& (2019) Creative industries around the world. In Cunningham, Stuart & Flew, Terry (Eds.) A Research Agenda for Creative Industries. Edward Elgar Publishing, Cheltenham, Glos, pp. 146-163.
Number of citations in Scopus 4

& (2019) Introduction to A Research Agenda for Creative Industries. In Flew, T (Ed.) A research agenda for creative industries (Elgar Research Agendas). Edward Elgar Publishing, United Kingdom, pp. 1-20.
Number of citations in Scopus 5

& Craig, David (2019) Online entertainment: A new wave of media globalization? In Rantanen, T (Ed.) Globalization and the media (Critical Concepts in Media and Cultural Studies). Routledge, United Kingdom, pp. 5409-5425.

& (2019) A Research Agenda for Creative Industries. Elgar Research Agendas. Edward Elgar Publishing, Cheltenham, UK.
Number of citations in Scopus 20


(2018) Creative destruction in the screen industries and implications for policy. Media International Australia Incorporating Culture and Policy, 169(1), pp. 5-15.
Number of full-text downloads 177
Number of citations in Scopus 7
Number of citations in Web of Science® 7

& (2018) Game industries in Australia. In Research on cultural markets of Australia. China Commerce and Trade Press, China, pp. 140-154.

& Craig, David (2018) We must not punish content creators in our rush to regulate social platforms. The Conversation, May, pp. 1-4, 2018. [Article]
Number of full-text downloads 240


& (2017) YouTube: Australia's Parallel Universe of Content Creation. Metro Magazine: Media and Education Magazine, 193, pp. 114-121.
Number of citations in Web of Science® 2

Craig, David & (2017) How social media stars are fighting for the Left. The Conversation, 21 February 2017. [Article]

& Craig, David (2017) Being 'really real' on YouTube: authenticity, community and brand culture in social media entertainment. Media International Australia Incorporating Culture and Policy, 164(1), pp. 71-81.
Number of citations in Scopus 148
Number of citations in Web of Science® 120

, Baym, Nancy, Bucher, Taina, Helmond, Anne, John, Nicholas, Nissenbaum, Asaf, , & Craig, David (2017) Platform studies: The rules of engagement. In Annual Conference of the Association of Internet Researchers, 2016-10-05 - 2016-10-08, Germany.
Number of full-text downloads 557

, , & (2017) Screen production for education: digital disruption in an 'ancillary' market. Media International Australia Incorporating Culture and Policy, 162(1), pp. 65-77.
Number of full-text downloads 209
Number of citations in Scopus 3
Number of citations in Web of Science® 1

, , , & (2017) Teachers' curation of Australian screen content for school-based education. Media International Australia Incorporating Culture and Policy, 163(1), pp. 87-96.
Number of full-text downloads 190
Number of citations in Scopus 1

Craig, David & (2017) Toy unboxing: living in a(n unregulated) material world. Media International Australia Incorporating Culture and Policy, 163(1), pp. 77-86.
Number of full-text downloads 367
Number of citations in Scopus 72
Number of citations in Web of Science® 49


, , , , , , & (2016) Consumer co-creation and situated creativity. In Potts, J (Ed.) The economics of creative industries [The International Library of Critical Writings in Economics series]. Edward Elgar Publishing, United Kingdom, pp. 255-269.

& (2016) Creative destruction in the Australian videogames industry. Media International Australia Incorporating Culture and Policy, 160(1), pp. 127-139.
Number of citations in Scopus 22
Number of citations in Web of Science® 14

& (2016) Creative industries mapping: Where have we come from and where are we going? In Potts, J (Ed.) The economics of creative industries [The International Library of Critical Writings in Economics series]. Edward Elgar Publishing, United Kingdom, pp. 843-866.

(2016) Emergent innovation through the coevolution of informal and formal media economies. In Potts, J (Ed.) The economics of creative industries [The International Library of Critical Writings in Economics series]. Edward Elgar Publishing, United Kingdom, pp. 399-494.
Number of citations in Web of Science® 21

& (2016) Four models of the creative industries. In Potts, J (Ed.) The economics of creative industries [The International Library of Critical Writings in Economics series]. Edward Elgar Publishing, United Kingdom, pp. 889-903.

(2016) From cultural to creative industries: theory, industry and policy implications. In Potts, J (Ed.) The economics of creative industries [The International Library of Critical Writings in Economics series]. Edward Elgar Publishing, United Kingdom, pp. 809-820.

& (2016) Games production in Australia: Adapting to precariousness. In Curtin, M & Sanson, K (Eds.) Precarious creativity: Global media, local labor. University of California Press, United States of America, pp. 186-199.
Number of full-text downloads 817

(2016) Hidden innovation: Creative industries policy in Australia. In Spila, J C, Unceta, A, & Echeverria, J (Eds.) Hidden innovation: Concepts, sectors and case studies. Sinnergiak Social Innovation, Spain, pp. 11-23.
Number of full-text downloads 730

& Craig, David (2016) Online entertainment: A new wave of media globalization? (Introduction). International Journal of Communication, 10, pp. 5409-5425.
Number of full-text downloads 1,011
Number of citations in Scopus 56
Number of citations in Web of Science® 39

, , , , , Henkel, Cathy, , & (2016) Screen content in Australian education: Digital promise and pitfalls. Digital Media Research Centre, Queensland University of Technology, Australia.
Number of full-text downloads 516

& (2016) Sizing up the future for Australia's video game industry. The Conversation, February, pp. 1-3, 2016. [Article]
Number of full-text downloads 53

, Theilacker, Max, Gahan, Peter, Callan, Victor, & Rainnie, Al (2016) Skills and capabilities for Australian enterprise innovation. Australian Council of Learned Academies (ACOLA), Australia.
Number of full-text downloads 428

, , , & Ormerod, Paul (2016) Social network markets: A new definition of the creative industries. In Potts, J (Ed.) The economics of creative industries [The International Library of Critical Writings in Economics series]. Edward Elgar Publishing, United Kingdom, pp. 167-357.


& Potts, Jason (2015) Creative industries and the wider economy. In Jones, C, Sapsed, J, & Lorenzen, M (Eds.) The Oxford Handbook of Creative Industries. Oxford University Press, United Kingdom, pp. 387-404.

, , & (2015) Media Economics. Key Concerns in Media Studies. Palgrave Macmillan, United Kingdom.

, , & Mateos-Garcia, Juan (2015) Public policy for the creative industries. In Jones, C, Sapsed, J, & Lorenzen, M (Eds.) The Oxford Handbook of Creative Industries. Oxford University Press, United Kingdom, pp. 465-485.
Number of full-text downloads 1,034

(2015) Repositioning the innovation rationale for public service media. International Journal of Digital Television, 6(2), pp. 203-220.
Number of full-text downloads 585
Number of citations in Scopus 14
Number of citations in Web of Science® 15

& (2015) Studying change in popular culture: A 'middle-range' approach. In Miller, T (Ed.) The Routledge companion to global popular culture. Routledge, United States of America, pp. 149-158.

(2015) You're hot, then you're cold: Creative industries policy making in Australia. In Ashton, P, Colley, L, & Andersen, L (Eds.) Creative business in Australia: Learnings from the Creative Industries Innovation Centre, 2009 to 2015. UTS ePRESS, Australia, pp. 159-174.
Number of full-text downloads 273

(2015) The new screen ecology: a new wave of media globalisation? Communication Research and Practice, 1(3), pp. 275-282.
Number of full-text downloads 537
Number of citations in Web of Science® 11


& (2014) Australian screen content in education. In Australian and New Zealand Communications Association Annual Conference, 2014-07-09 - 2014-07-11. (Unpublished)
Number of full-text downloads 24

Verhoeven, Deb, de Costa, Viveka, Martinez, Alfonso, , & (2014) Australian Screen Producer Survey. Deakin University.
Number of full-text downloads 26

, , , & Verhoeven, Deb (2014) The Australian screen producer in transition. In Meir, C, Spicer, A, & McKenna, A T (Eds.) Beyond the bottom line: The producer in film and television studies. Bloomsbury Academic, United Kingdom, pp. 125-142.
Number of citations in Scopus 4
Number of citations in Web of Science® 3

(2014) Creative labour and its discontents: A reappraisal. In Hearn, G, Rodgers, J, Goldsmith, B, & Bridgstock, R (Eds.) Creative work beyond the creative industries: innovation, employment and education. Edward Elgar Publishing, United Kingdom, pp. 25-46.
Number of full-text downloads 845
Number of citations in Scopus 24
Number of citations in Web of Science® 18

& (2014) Graduate careers in journalism, media and communications within and outside the sector: early career outcomes, trajectories and capabilities. In Hearn, G, Rodgers, J, Goldsmith, B, & Bridgstock, R (Eds.) Creative work beyond the creative industries: innovation, employment and education. Edward Elgar Publishing, United Kingdom, pp. 226-243.
Number of citations in Scopus 9
Number of citations in Web of Science® 8

& Turnbull, Sue (2014) Introduction: The media and communications and today. In Turnbull, S & Cunningham, S (Eds.) The media and communications in Australia, 4th edition. Allen and Unwin, Australia, pp. 1-12.
Number of citations in Scopus 410

(2014) 'MIA' - Musings in appreciation. Media International Australia, 150, pp. 26-28.
Number of full-text downloads 146
Number of citations in Web of Science® 1

(2014) Policy and regulation. In Turnbull, S & Cunningham, S (Eds.) The media and communications in Australia, 4th edition. Allen and Unwin, Australia, pp. 73-91.

, , & (2014) Provate sector for the arts: Final report 2 July 2014. Minister for the Arts, Australian Government, Australia.

Arsenault, Amelia, , Curtin, Michael, , Fung, Anthony, Holt, Jennifer, McDonald, Paul, , Perren, Alisa, & (2014) Welcome to media industries. Media Industries, 1(1), pp. 1-3.
Number of full-text downloads 283

Cunningham, Stuart & Turnbull, Sue (Eds.) (2014) The media and communications in Australia, 4th edition. Allen and Unwin, Australia.

Bell, John, Frater, Bob, Butterfield, Leslie, , Dodgson, Mark, Fox, Kevin, Spurling, Tom, & Webster, Elizabeth (2014) The role of science, research and technology in lifting Australian productivity: Final report [Securing Australia's Future, 4]. Securing Australia's Future. Australian Council of Learned Academies (ACOLA), Australia.
Number of full-text downloads 252


, , & (2013) Australian Indigenous art: Local dreamings, global consumption (Autohtona Australijska Umetnost: Lokalno Sanjarenje, Globalna Potraznja). In Mikic, H & Rikalovic, G (Eds.) Creative Australia in Serbia: How does the creative economy function in Australia (Kreativna australija: dobar put u kreativno drustvo i ekonomiju). Economy Group and The Australian Embassy Belgrade, Serbia, pp. 48-59.

& (2013) Creative industries after the first decade of debate. In Flew, T (Ed.) Creative Industries and Urban Development: Creative Cities in the 21st Century. Routledge (Taylor and Francis Group), United Kingdom, pp. 68-78.
Number of full-text downloads 868

& (2013) Games and entertainment software. In Towse, R & Handke, C (Eds.) Handbook on the digital creative economy. Edward Elgar Publishing, United Kingdom, pp. 416-427.
Number of citations in Scopus 4
Number of citations in Web of Science® 1

(2013) Hidden innovation: policy, industry and the creative sector. The Creative Economy and Innovation Culture. The University of Queensland Press, Australia.

, Potts, Jason, , , , & (2013) Key concepts in creative industries. SAGE Key Concepts series. Sage Publications, United Kingdom.

(2013) Popular media as public 'sphericules' for diasporic communities. In Ouellette, L (Ed.) The media studies reader. Routledge, United States, pp. 541-549.

(2013) We need to talk about...economics. Inter-Asia Cultural Studies, 14(3), pp. 442-446.
Number of full-text downloads 51
Number of citations in Scopus 2
Number of citations in Web of Science® 1

(2013) The creative economy could fuel Australia's next boom. The Conversation, October, pp. 1-6, 2013. [Article]
Number of full-text downloads 26


, , & Thomas, Julian (2012) Convergence and Australian content: The importance of access. Media International Australia Incorporating Culture and Policy, 2012(144), pp. 13-18.
Number of full-text downloads 347
Number of citations in Scopus 1
Number of citations in Web of Science® 2

& Potts, Jason (2012) Cultural Industries. In Anheier, Helmut K. & Juergensmeyer, Mark (Eds.) Enclycolpedia of Global Studies. Sage Publications, Thousand Oaks, California, pp. 330-334.

Iordanova, Dina & Cunningham, Stuart (Eds.) (2012) Digital Disruption : Cinema Moves On-line. St Andrews Film Studies Publishing House, St Andrews, Scotland.

(2012) Michaels, Eric Philip (1948-1988). In Australian Dictionary of Biography. The Australian National University.

, , & (2012) Mission unreachable: How Jaman Is shaping the future of on-line distribution. In Iordanova, D & Cunningham, S (Eds.) Digital Disruption: Cinema Moves On-Line. St Andrews Film Studies, UK, Scotland, pp. 133-141.

& (2012) On-line film distribution: Its history and global complexion. In lordanova, D & Cunningham, S (Eds.) Digital Disruption: Cinema Moves On-Line. St Andrews Film Studies, United Kingdom, pp. 33-66.

& (2012) Say goodbye to the fries: Graduate careers in media, cultural and communication studies. Media International Australia Incorporating Culture and Policy, 2012(145), pp. 6-17.
Number of full-text downloads 1,685
Number of citations in Scopus 11
Number of citations in Web of Science® 7

, , & Verhoeven, Deb (2012) Understanding Australian screen content producers: wave 2. Australian Producer Survey. ARC Centre of Excellence for Creative Industries and Innovation, Australia.
Number of full-text downloads 393

(2012) The creative cities discourse: Production and/or consumption? In Isar, Y R & Anheier, H K (Eds.) Cities, Cultural Policy and Governance [Volume 5: The Cultures and Globalization Series]. Sage Publications, United Kingdom, pp. 111-121.
Number of full-text downloads 1,193
Number of citations in Scopus 10

(2012) The new normativity: The innovation imperative. In Lowe, G F & Martin, F (Eds.) Proceedings of the 6th RIPE Conference. University of Tampere, Finland, pp. 1-26.
Number of citations in Web of Science® 1


(2011) From cultural to creative industries : theory, industry, and policy implications. In Moeran, Brian & Alacovska, Ana (Eds.) Creative Industries Critical Readings. Vol. 2. Berg, London, pp. 54-65.

(2011) Hey download generation, your future is up on YouTube. The Conversation, 5 April 2011. [Article]

(2011) Broadband, the NBN and screen futures. Media International Australia Incorporating Culture and Policy, 2011(140), pp. 16-21.
Number of full-text downloads 123
Number of citations in Scopus 2

(2011) Can creativity be taught? And why should it be? In Wright, S, Holden, J, Kieffer, J, & Newbigin (Eds.) Creativity Money Love: Learning for the 21st Century. Creative Blueprint, United Kingdom, pp. 22-23.
Number of full-text downloads 684

(2011) Developments in measuring the 'creative' workforce. Cultural Trends, 20(1), pp. 25-40.
Number of full-text downloads 2,177
Number of citations in Scopus 51
Number of citations in Web of Science® 44

(2011) How the NBN can help bridge our geographical cultural divide. The Conversation, October, pp. 1-3, 2011. [Article]
Number of full-text downloads 16

(2011) Where the jobs are: Why a national cultural policy matters. The Conversation, October, pp. 1-4, 2011. [Article]
Number of full-text downloads 15


(2010) The 3 ages of screen in modern Australia. In Meet the 21st Century Producer, Centre for Screen Business AFTRS, 2010-06-16 - 2010-06-16. (Unpublished)

(2010) Aligning communication, cultural and media studies research and scholarship with industry and policy: Australian instances. Media International Australia Incorporating Culture and Policy, 136, pp. 13-19.
Number of full-text downloads 611
Number of citations in Scopus 2
Number of citations in Web of Science® 3

(2010) Business investment in research and development. In Financial Review Higher Education Conference, 2010-06-09 - 2010-06-09. (Unpublished)

(2010) Chindia : innovation in online film distribution. In Chindia ICA Pre-Conference, 2010-06-22 - 2010-06-22. (Unpublished)

(2010) The Creative Industries Idea. In Keane, M (Ed.) The QUT creative industries experience. QUT, Australia, pp. 18-19.
Number of full-text downloads 430
Number of citations in Web of Science® 32

& (2010) Creative industries after the first decade of debate. Information Society, 26(2), pp. 113-123.
Number of full-text downloads 3,544
Number of citations in Scopus 219
Number of citations in Web of Science® 183

(2010) Encouraging connections. In Creative: Arts, Industries, Participation, 2010-07-21 - 2010-07-21. (Unpublished)

(2010) Four models of the creative industries. In Creative Industries Strategy Forum, 2010-03-29 - 2010-03-29. (Unpublished)
Number of citations in Web of Science® 32

& (2010) Four models of the creative industries. Revue d'Economie Politique, 120(1), pp. 163-180.
Number of citations in Scopus 32
Number of citations in Web of Science® 32

(2010) Joseph A. Schumpeter: Capitalism, socialism and democracy (review essay). International Journal of Cultural Policy, 16(1), pp. 20-22.
Number of full-text downloads 943
Number of citations in Scopus 4
Number of citations in Web of Science® 3

& Turner, Graeme (2010) The Media and Communications Today. In Turner, G & Cunningham, S (Eds.) The Media and Communications in Australia (3rd Edition). Allen & Unwin, Australia, pp. 1-11.

(2010) Policy. In Turner, G & Cunningham, S (Eds.) The Media and Communications in Australia (3rd Edition). Allen & Unwin, Australia, pp. 31-48.
Number of citations in Scopus 2
Number of citations in Web of Science® 3

, , & (2010) Rates of change: Online distribution as disruptive technology in the film industry. Media International Australia Incorporating Culture and Policy, 136, pp. 119-132.
Number of full-text downloads 4,718
Number of citations in Scopus 18
Number of citations in Web of Science® 17

(2010) Renovating research and policy on creative industries and innovation. In The QUT creative industries experience. QUT Publications, Australia, pp. 29-32.

(2010) Research impact of the arts and humanities : weighing up the pros and cons. In Impact Futures : Arts Research in the Twenty-first Century, 2010-03-04 - 2010-03-04. (Unpublished)

(2010) Subsidy, competition and regulation, growth, innovation : four models of the creative economy. In Industry and Investment NSW - Digital Forum, 2010-05-12 - 2010-05-12. (Unpublished)
Number of citations in Web of Science® 8

& (2010) The policy journey toward education for the creative economy. In Araya, D & Peters, M A (Eds.) Education in the Creative Economy. Peter Lang Publishing, United States, pp. 29-44.


(2009) Rates of change : online distribution as a disruptive technology in the film industry. In Australian and New Zealand Communication Association Conference 2009: Communication, Creativity and Global Citizenship, 2009-07-08 - 2009-07-10. (Unpublished)
Number of citations in Web of Science® 17

(2009) Australian Media and Culture. In Annenberg Summer School : Transformations and Relocations Down Under : Dynamism and Change in Media, Communication, Politics and Culture on the ‘other’ side of Asia, 2009-07-05 - 2009-07-18. (Unpublished)

(2009) Creativity, Innovation and the Internet. In 7th Oxford Internet Institute Summer Doctoral Program, 2009-07-06 - 2009-07-17. (Unpublished)

(2009) Rates of change : digital distribution as a disruptive technology in the film industry. In Screen Economics Research Group Symposium, 2009-06-12 - 2009-06-12. (Unpublished)
Number of citations in Web of Science® 17

(2009) Film Festivals. In Film Festivals International Workshop, 2009-04-04 - 2009-04-04.

(2009) Bullish creative industries and the bear market. In Wright, S, Holden, J, Bewick, T, Kieffer, J, & Newbigin, J (Eds.) After The Crunch. Creative and Cultural Skills and Counterpoint, the British Council think tank, United Kingdom, pp. 10-11.
Number of full-text downloads 125

(2009) Creative industries as a globally contestable policy field. Chinese Journal of Communication, 2(1), pp. 13-24.
Number of full-text downloads 314
Number of citations in Web of Science® 19

, , & (2009) Finance and investment in Creative Industries in developing countries. In Gopalan, S (Ed.) Creative Industries: Concepts and Experiences. Icfai University Press, India, pp. 137-176.

, , & (2009) Getting creative in health care. Media International Australia Incorporating Culture and Policy, August(132), pp. 78-92.
Number of citations in Scopus 3
Number of citations in Web of Science® 1

& (2009) Measuring creative employment: Implications for innovation policy. Innovation: Management, Policy and Practice, 11(2), pp. 190-200.
Number of citations in Scopus 42
Number of citations in Web of Science® 34

(2009) My 'middle way' media studies. Television and New Media, 10(1), pp. 43-45.
Number of full-text downloads 158
Number of citations in Scopus 1
Number of citations in Web of Science® 1

& (2009) New economics for the new media. In Goggin, G & Hjorth, L (Eds.) Mobile Technologies: From Telecommunications to Media. Routledge, United States, pp. 131-142.
Number of citations in Scopus 4

(2009) Reinventing television: The work of the 'innovation' unit. In Tay, J & Turner, G (Eds.) Television Studies After TV: Understanding Television in the Post-Broadcast Era. Routledge, United Kingdom, pp. 83-92.
Number of citations in Scopus 7

(2009) Trojan horse or rorschach blot? Creative industries discourse around the world. International Journal of Cultural Policy, 15(4), pp. 375-386.
Number of full-text downloads 1,360
Number of citations in Scopus 102
Number of citations in Web of Science® 90

(2009) Under great pressure, a diamond is being formed: The SBS over time. Media International Australia Incorporating Culture and Policy, November(133), pp. 15-18.
Number of citations in Scopus 3
Number of citations in Web of Science® 3

Cunningham, Stuart D. & Turner, Graeme (Eds.) (2009) The media and communications in Australia (3rd ed.). Allen and Unwin, Sydney.


, , & (2008) Australian Indigenous art: Local dreamings, global consumption. In Isar, Y R & Anheier, H (Eds.) The Cultural Economy: The Cultures and Globalization Series 2. Sage Publications, United Kingdom, pp. 284-291.
Number of citations in Scopus 1

, , & (2008) Cultural economy: the shape of the field. In Isar, Y R & Anheier, H (Eds.) The Cultural Economy [Cultures and Globalization Series]. Sage Publications, United Kingdom, pp. 15-26.
Number of citations in Scopus 32

, , , & (2008) Financing creative industries in developing countries. In Barrowclough, D & Kozul-Wright, Z (Eds.) Creative Industries and Developing Countries: Voice, Choice and Economic Growth. Routledge, London, pp. 65-110.
Number of citations in Scopus 10

& (2008) Four models of the creative industries. International Journal of Cultural Policy, 14(3), pp. 233-247.
Number of citations in Scopus 192

(2008) From creative industries to creative economy. In Hearn, G & Rooney, D (Eds.) Knowledge Policy: Challenges for the 21st Century. Edward Elgar Publishing Limited, United Kingdom, Glos, Cheltenham, pp. 70-82.

, , & (2008) Getting Creative in Healthcare: The Contribution of Creative Activities to Australian Healthcare. ARC Centre of Excellence for Creative Industries and Innovation (CCI), Australia.
Number of full-text downloads 2,757

(2008) Political and media leadership in the age of YouTube. In Uhr, J & t Hart, P (Eds.) Public Leadership: Perspectives and Practices. ANU E Press, Australia, pp. 177-186.
Number of citations in Web of Science® 3

, , , & Ormerod, Paul (2008) Social network markets: A new definition of the creative industries. Journal of Cultural Economics, 32(3), pp. 167-185.
Number of full-text downloads 11,167
Number of citations in Scopus 363
Number of citations in Web of Science® 291


(2007) The Creative Economy: Patterning the Future. Dialogue (Academy of the Social Sciences in Australia), 26(1), pp. 15-23.
Number of full-text downloads 1,516

(2007) Creative Industries as Policy and Discourse Outside the United Kingdom. Global Media and Communication, 3(3), pp. 347-352.
Number of full-text downloads 588
Number of citations in Scopus 10
Number of citations in Web of Science® 9

, , & (2007) Inside and Outside: Where Does a Creative Industry Cluster Begin and End? In Li, P, Yin, C, & Zhang, X (Eds.) Blue Book on Culture: Annual Report on World Cultural Industries. Social Sciences Academic Press, China, pp. 394-405.

(2007) Oh, the Humanities!: Australia's innovation system out of kilter. Australian Universities' Review, 49(1-2), pp. 28-30.
Number of full-text downloads 22
Number of citations in Web of Science® 5

(2007) Political Economy and Creative Industries Policy. UNESCO Observatory Journal: Multi-disciplinary Research in the Arts, 1(1), pp. 1-6.
Number of full-text downloads 905

, , & (2007) The Queensland Model: Connecting Business Enterprise, Education, R&D, Cultural Production, Education, R&D and Exhibition in a Creative Precinct. In Huilin, H, Xiaoming, Z, & Jiangang, Z (Eds.) Blue Book of China's Culture: Report on Development of China's Cultural Industry. Social Sciences Academic Press, China, pp. 358-368.


(2006) Australia - A Creative Economy? In Probyn, E & Muecke, S (Eds.) Creating Value: The Humanities and Their Publics. Australian Academy of the Humanities, Australia, pp. 33-41.
Number of full-text downloads 42

Beattie, Debra, , Jones, Richard, & (2006) 'I Use Online So the Counsellors Can't Hear Me Crying': Creating Design Solutions for Online Counselling. Media International Australia Incorporating Culture and Policy, 118(February), pp. 43-52.
Number of full-text downloads 2,301

Turner, Graeme & (2006) The Media and Communications Today: Introduction. In Turner, G & Cunningham, S (Eds.) The Media and Communications in Australia 2nd Ed. Allen & Unwin, Australia, New South Wales, Crows Nest, pp. 1-9.

Cunningham, Stuart & Turner, Graeme (Eds.) (2006) The Media and Communications in Australia (2nd Edition). Allen & Unwin, Australia, NSW, Crow's Nest.
Number of full-text downloads 653

(2006) Policy. In Turner, G & Cunningham, S (Eds.) The Media and Communications in Australia 2nd Ed. Allen & Unwin, Australia, New South Wales, Sydney, pp. 43-63.
Number of citations in Scopus 79

(2006) What Price a Creative Economy? Platform Papers. Platform Papers, Australia.


(2005) Creative Enterprises. In Hartley, J (Ed.) Creative Industries. Blackwell, United States of America, pp. 282-298.

(2005) Culture, Services, Knowledge: Television between policy regimes. In Wasko, J (Ed.) A Companion to Television. Blackwell, United States of America, pp. 199-213.
Number of citations in Web of Science® 2

, , , , & (2005) The Ecology of Queensland Design. Mapping Queensland’s Creative Industries Series. CIRAC, QUT, Australia, Queensland, Brisbane.
Number of full-text downloads 1,209

, Cutler, Terry, , , & (2005) From Culture to Knowledge: An Innovation Systems Approach to the Content Industries. In Straw, W, Andrew, C, Jeanotte, S, & Gattinger, M (Eds.) Accounting for Culture: Thinking Through Cultural Citizenship. University of Ottawa Press, Canada, pp. 104-123.

(2005) Knowledge and Cultural Capital. In Hearn, G, Ninan, A, & Rooney, D (Eds.) Handbook on the Knowledge Economy. Edward Elgar Publishing, United Kingdom, pp. 93-101.
Number of citations in Scopus 4
Number of citations in Web of Science® 3

(2005) Match Seller or Sparkplug? The Human Sciences and Business. B-HERT (Business-Higher Education Round Table) News, 22(July), pp. 8-10.
Number of full-text downloads 346


(2004) Australian Production Companies. In Newcombe, Horace (Ed.) Museum of Broadcast Communications Encyclopedia of Television, second edition. Fitzroy Dearborn - not on DEST reg (an imprint of the Taylor & Francis Group are on DEST reg.), New York, USA, pp. 181-187.

& (2004) Australian Television. In Turner, G & Sinclair, J (Eds.) Contemporary World Television. British Film Institute (not in DEST register), London, UK, pp. 63-66.

, , , , & Luckman, Susan (2004) From the Margins to the Mainstream: Creating Value in Queensland's Music Industry. Media International Australia Incorporating Culture and Policy, 112(August 2004), pp. 101-114.
Number of full-text downloads 1,917

(2004) The Humanities, Creative Arts and the Innovation Agenda. In Keane, M, Wissler, R, Haseman, B, & Wallace, S (Eds.) Innovation in Australian Arts, Media and Design. Post Pressed, Flaxton, QLD, pp. 221-232.
Number of full-text downloads 1,117

(2004) The Humanities, Creative Arts, and International Innovation Agendas. In Robb, S, Bullen, E, & Kennaway, J (Eds.) Innovation & Tradition: The Arts, Humanities and the Knowledge Economy. Peter Lang Publishing, New York, United States, pp. 113-124.
Number of full-text downloads 163

, Cutler, Terry, , , & (2004) An Innovation Agenda for the Creative Industries: Where is the R&D? Media International Australia Incorporating Culture and Policy, 112(Aug 2004), pp. 174-185.
Number of full-text downloads 3,132

(2004) International Television Program Markets. In Newcombe, Horace (Ed.) Museum of Broadcast Communications Encyclopedia of Television, second edition. Fitzroy Dearborn - not on DEST reg.(an imprint of the Taylor Francis Group are on DEST reg), New York, USA, pp. 1183-1184.

(2004) Neighbours. In Newcombe, Horace (Ed.) Museum of Broadcast Communications Encyclopedia of Television, second edition. Fitzroy Dearborn (not on DEST REg. but an imprint of Taylor & Francis Group are on DEST Reg.), New York, USA, pp. 1623-1627.
Number of citations in Web of Science® 54

(2004) Popular Media as Public 'Spericules' for Diasporic Communites. In Hill, Annette & Allen, Robert C. (Eds.) The Television Studies Reader. Routledge, London, UK, pp. 151-161.

Cox, Stephen, , Roodhouse, Simon, & (2004) Queensland Music Industry Basics: People, Businesses and Markets. Mapping Queensland’s Creative Industries series. Creative Industries Research and Applications Centre, QUT, Australia, Queensland, Brisbane.
Number of full-text downloads 2,214

, , , , & (2004) Queensland Music Industry Value Web: From the Margins to the Mainstream. Mapping Queensland’s Creative Industries series. Creative Industries Research and Applications Centre, QUT, Australia, Queensland, Brisbane.
Number of full-text downloads 1,875


(2003) Actually Existing Hybridity: Vietnamese Diasporic Music Video. In Karim, K (Ed.) The media of diaspora. Routledge, United Kingdom, London, pp. 119-132.
Number of full-text downloads 783
Number of citations in Scopus 11

, , , Cox, Stephen, & (2003) Brisbane's Creative Industries 2003. Brisbane City Council, Australia, Queensland, Brisbane.
Number of full-text downloads 84

(2003) Cultural Studies from the Viewpoint of Cultural Policy. In Lewis, J & Miller, T (Eds.) Critical cultural policy studies: A reader. Blackwell Publishers, United States of America, pp. 13-22.
Number of citations in Scopus 21

(2003) The creative industries. In Shifting foundations: the collected papers of the designing futures forum. Craftwest, Australi, Western Australia, Perth, pp. 31-35.


, Thomas, Julian, O'Regan, Tom, & (2002) Asserting Cultural and Social Regulatory principles in Converging Media Systems. In Raboy, M (Ed.) Global Media Policy in the New Millenium. University of Luton Press, Bedfordshire, United Kingdom, pp. 93-109.
Number of full-text downloads 31

(2002) Culture, Services, Knowledge or "Is Content King, or are we just Drama Queens?". In Eccles, J (Ed.) Communications Research Forum 2002. Department of Communications, Information Technology & Arts,, pp. 1-15.
Number of full-text downloads 942

(2002) From Cultural to Creative Industries: Theory, Industry, and Policy Implications. Media International Australia incorporating Culture and Policy, 102(February 2002), pp. 54-65.
Number of full-text downloads 35,437

Turner, Graeme & (2002) The Media and Communications in Australia Today. In Turner, Graeme & Cunningham, Stuart (Eds.) The Media and Communications in Australia. Allen & Unwin, Crows Nest, New South Wales, pp. 3-20.

& (2002) Policy. In Turner, Graeme & Cunningham, Stuart (Eds.) The Media and Communications in Australia. Allen & Unwin, Crows Nest, NSW, Australia, pp. 48-61.
Number of citations in Scopus 56
Number of citations in Web of Science® 51

& (2002) Policy. In Miller, Toby (Ed.) Television Studies. British Film Institute, London, UK, pp. 50-53.

(2002) Theorising the Diasporic Audience. In O'Regan, Tom, Balnaves, Mark, & Sternberg, Jason (Eds.) Mobilising the Audience. The University of Queensland Press, Queensland, Australia, pp. 266-282.
Number of full-text downloads 103


& Sinclair, John (2001) Diasporic Media and Public 'sphericules'. In Black Marks: Minority Ethnic Audiences And Media. Ashgate Publishing Limited, Aldershot, UK, pp. 177-194.

Cunningham, Stuart & Sinclair, John (Eds.) (2001) Floating Lives: The Media and Asian Diasporas. Rowan & Littlefield, Lanham, USA.

(2001) Popular Media as Public 'sphericules' for diasporic communites. International Journal of Cultural Studies, pp. 131-147.

& (2001) Thank You Very Much and Good Luck: Media. In Globalisation: Australian Impacts. University of New South Wales Press, Sydney, New South Wales, pp. 77-96.
Number of full-text downloads 48


, , , Tapsall, Suellen, , , & (2000) The Business of Borderless Education. Department of Education, Training & Youth Affairs, Canberra, New South Wales.

(2000) The Force- Field of Melodrama. In Film and Theory: An Anthology. Blackwell Publishers, United States of America, Massachusetts, Malden, pp. 191-206.


& (1999) Floating Lives: The Media of the Vietnamese Diaspora. In Australian in Between Cultures. The Australian Academy of the Humanities, Canberra, ACT, pp. 3-23.



(1997) Floating Lives: Multicultural Broadcasting and Diasporic Video in Australia. In Programming for People: From Cultural Rights to Cultural Responsibilities. Radio Televisione Italiana (RAI), Rome, Italy.

& (1997) Media Policy. In Government, Politics, Power & Policy In Australia. Addison Wesley Longman, Melbourne, Victoria, pp. 468-485.

& (1997) The Media in Australia Today. In The Media In Australia: Industries, Texts, Audiences. Allen and Unwin, Sydney, New South Wales, pp. 3-19.

(1997) Television. In The Media In Australia: Industries, Texts, Audiences. Allen and Unwin, Sydney, New South Wales, pp. 90-111.


Sinclair, John, Jacka, Elizabeth, & Cunningham, Stuart (Eds.) (1996) New Patterns in Global Television : Peripheral Vision. Oxford University Press, London and New York.

& Jacka, E (1996) Australian Television and International Mediascapes. Cambridge University Press, Cambridge.

(1996) New Patterns in Global Television. In Communication and Culture: Identity, Plurality, Equality: 8th MacBride Roundtable on Communication. Korean Broadcasting Academic Society, Seoul, South Korea.




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