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Number of items: 79.


& (2021) Search evolution for ease and speed: A call to action for what’s been lost. Journal of Librarianship and Information Science, 53(4), pp. 668-685.
Number of full-text downloads 247


Talip, Bazilah A., Narayan, Bhuva, , & (2020) The Role of Information Experience on IT Professionals' Twitter Use. Libri, 70(1), pp. 1-15.
Number of citations in Scopus 4
Number of citations in Web of Science® 3



, Narayan, Bhuva, , & (2016) Digital ethnography as a way to explore information grounds on Twitter. Qualitative and Quantitative Methods in Libraries, 5(1), pp. 89-105.
Number of full-text downloads 88
Number of citations in Web of Science® 4

, , , , & Cooper, Helen (2016) Health information literacy and the experience of 65 to 79 year old Australians. In Information Resources Management Association (USA) (Ed.) Professional development and workplace learning: Concepts, methodologies, tools, and applications. Vol. 2. Business Science Reference (IGI Global), United States of America, pp. 982-1004.
Number of citations in Scopus 1

, , , & (2016) LMS acceptance: The instructor role. Asia-Pacific Education Researcher, 25(4), pp. 519-526.
Number of citations in Scopus 30
Number of citations in Web of Science® 20

, , Hirsh, Sandra, , , , & (2016) Trans-Pacific doctoral success: A collaborative cohort model. In Quality in Postgraduate Research, 2016-04-20 - 2016-04-22. (Unpublished)
Number of full-text downloads 108

, , & (2016) Using grounded theory to discover threshold concepts in transformative learning experiences. In Tight, M & Huisman, J (Eds.) Theory and method in higher education research (Volume 2). Emerald Group Publishing Limited, United Kingdom, pp. 23-46.


, , , , & Cooper, Helen (2014) Health information literacy and the experience of 65-79 year old Australians. In Du, J T, Zhu, Q, & Koronios, A (Eds.) Library and information science research in Asia-Oceania: theory and practice. IGI Global, United States of America, pp. 102-123.

, Weedman, Judith, , & (2014) Learning portals: Analyzing threshold concept theory for LIS education. Journal of Education for Library and Information Science, 55(2), pp. 150-165.
Number of full-text downloads 55

, , , & (2014) Modeling users' web search behavior and their cognitive styles. Journal of the Association for Information Science and Technology, 65(6), pp. 1107-1123.
Number of full-text downloads 589
Number of citations in Scopus 32
Number of citations in Web of Science® 32

, , , Sheard, Judithe, Hurst, John, & Brookes, Wayne (2014) Research and/or learning and teaching: a study of Australian professors' priorities, beliefs and behaviours. Higher Education Research and Development, 33(4), pp. 649-669.
Number of full-text downloads 300
Number of citations in Scopus 34
Number of citations in Web of Science® 26


, , & (2013) Experiential ethics education for IT professionals. In Weckert, John & Lucas, Richard (Eds.) Professionalism in the Information and Communication Technology Industry. Vol. 3. ANU E Press, Canberra, ACT, pp. 233-258.
Number of full-text downloads 135

Aldraehim, Majid, , , & (2013) Cultural impact on e-service use in Saudi Arabia: The need for Service Oriented Culture. In Shim, J P, Hwang, Y, & Petter, S (Eds.) Proceedings of the 19th Americas Conference on Information Systems (AMCIS). Association for Information Systems (AIS),, pp. 1-9.
Number of citations in Scopus 3

Aldraehim, Majid, , , & (2013) Cultural impact on e-service use in Saudi Arabia: The need for interaction with other humans. International Journal of Advanced Computer Science (IJACS), 3(2), pp. 56-64.
Number of full-text downloads 64

Narayan, Bhuva, , , & (2013) Social media as online information grounds: a preliminary conceptual framework. In Na, J C, Urs, S R, & Buchanan, G (Eds.) Digital Libraries: Social Media and Community Networks: 15th International Conference on Asia-Pacific Digital Libraries, ICADL 2013, Proceedings [Lecture Notes in Computer Science, Volume 8279]. Springer, Germany, pp. 127-131.
Number of full-text downloads 447
Number of citations in Scopus 12


, Narayan, Bhuva, Sheard, Judithe, , & Brookes, Wayne (2012) Changing the culture of teaching and learning in ICT and engineering : facilitating research professors to be teaching and learning leaders. Australian government, Office for Learning and Teaching, Australia.
Number of full-text downloads 230

, , & (2012) Cultural impact on e-service use in Saudi Arabia: Results from focus groups. In Latifi, S (Ed.) Proceedings of the 9th International Conference on Information Technology - New Generations. IEEE Computer Society, United States, pp. 744-750.
Number of citations in Scopus 2

, , , & (2012) Cultural impact on e-service use in Saudi Arabia: Results from questionnaire. In Ayodele, T (Ed.) Proceedings of the 2012 International Conference on Information Society (i-Society 2012). Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers (IEEE), United States of America, pp. 230-236.
Number of full-text downloads 872
Number of citations in Scopus 2

, , , & (2012) Human-computer interaction: the impact of users' cognitive styles on query reformulation behaviour during web searching. In Chua, C, Vasa, R, Huang, W, Farrell, V, Farrell, G, & Woodward, C (Eds.) Proceedings of the 24th Australian Computer-Human Interaction Conference (OzCHI 2012). Association for Computing Machinery, United States, pp. 299-307.
Number of full-text downloads 510
Number of citations in Scopus 19

, , , & (2012) Relationship between the nature of the search task types and query reformulation behaviour. In Sitbon, L, Trotman, A, & Cunningham, S (Eds.) Proceedings of the Seventeenth Australasian Document Computing Symposium. Association for Computing Machinery, United States, pp. 39-46.
Number of full-text downloads 343
Number of citations in Scopus 6

, , & (2012) Understanding the participatory library through a grounded theory study. In Grove, A (Ed.) Proceedings of the 75th American Society for Information Science and Technology (ASIS&T) Annual Meeting, Volume 49. Richard B. Hill, United States, pp. 1-9.
Number of full-text downloads 574
Number of citations in Scopus 4
Number of citations in Web of Science® 29

Zakaria, Mohd Hafiz, , & (2012) The adoption of e-Learning 2.0 in higher education by teachers and students: An investigation using mixed methods approach. International Journal of e-Education, e-Business, e-Management and e-Learning, 2(2), pp. 108-112.


, , & (2011) Contextualising learning for a real-world university: how an inverted curriculum in the first year can help better student retention. In Thomas, J (Ed.) Proceedings of the 14th Pacific Rim First Year in Higher Education Conference 2011: Designing for Student Success. Colourwise Reproductions, Australia, pp. 1-5.
Number of full-text downloads 158

& (2011) Good practice report: curriculum renewal. Good Practice Report. Australian Learning and Teaching Council, Australia.
Number of full-text downloads 59

, Case, Donald, & (2011) The role of information avoidance in everyday-life information behaviors. In Grove, A (Ed.) Proceedings of the 74th American Society for Information Science and Technology Annual Meeting, Volume 48: Communication and Information in Society, Technology and Work. Richard B. Hill, United States, pp. 1-7.
Number of full-text downloads 1,231
Number of citations in Scopus 78


, , & Thorpe, Clare (2010) Evidence-based practice: Information professionals' experience of information literacy in the workplace. In Lloyd, A & Talja, S (Eds.) Practising Information Literacy. Centre for Information Studies, Charles Sturt University, Australia, pp. 273-298.
Number of full-text downloads 2,880
Number of citations in Scopus 31
Number of citations in Web of Science® 21

, , & (2010) Expanding ethical vistas of IT professionals. Information Systems Frontiers, 12(4), pp. 379-387.
Number of full-text downloads 444
Number of citations in Scopus 10
Number of citations in Web of Science® 6

Zakaria, Mohd Hafiz, , & (2010) Investigating the use of Web 2.0 technology by Malaysian students. Multicultural Education and Technology Journal, 4(1), pp. 17-29.
Number of citations in Scopus 48

, , , & (2010) It really is black and white when you look at it like that: a study of the teaching-research nexus. In Biggs, M (Ed.) Proceedings of Chemeca 2010: Engineering at the Edge. Engineers Australia, Australia, pp. 1-4.
Number of full-text downloads 174

Koppi, Tony, Sheard, Judy, Naghdy, Fazel, , & Brookes, Wayne (2010) Towards a gender inclusive information and communications technology curriculum: a perspective from graduates in the workforce. Computer Science Education, 20(4), pp. 265-282.
Number of citations in Scopus 13
Number of citations in Web of Science® 8

Koppi, Tony, , Sheard, Judy, Naghdy, Fazel, & Brookes, Wayne (2010) The case for ICT work-integrated learning from graduates in the workplace. In Clear, T & Hamer, J (Eds.) Proceedings of the Twelfth Australian Conference on Computing Education. Australian Computer Society, Australia, pp. 107-116.
Number of citations in Scopus 16


, , , & (2009) Ageing, learning, technology and health management. In Klinger, K (Ed.) Handbook of Research on Information Technology Management and Clinical Data Administration in Healthcare. IGI Global, United States, pp. 674-688.

Koppi, Tony, Sheard, Judy, Naghdy, Fazel, Chicharo, Joe, , Brookes, Wayne, & Wilson, David (2009) What our ICT graduates really need from us : a perspective from the workplace. In Clear, T & Hamilton, M (Eds.) Conferences in research and practice in information technology volume 95: computing education 2009. Australian Computer Society, Australia, pp. 101-110.
Number of full-text downloads 159
Number of citations in Scopus 17

, , & (2009) The incorporation of web 2.0 into learning design: an implementation model from the perspectives of teachers and students. In Chova, L, Torres, I, & Belenguer, D (Eds.) Proceedings of the International Conference on Education and New Learning Technologies 2009. International Association of Technology, Education and Development, Spain, pp. 3510-3521.
Number of citations in Scopus 5


Thorpe, Clare, , & (2008) Are library and information professionals ready for evidence-based practice. In Senior, D & Sumner, S (Eds.) Proceedings of the Australian Library and Information Association Biennial Conference 2008. Australian Library and Information Association, Australia, pp. 1-12.
Number of full-text downloads 481

Koppi, Tony, Naghdy, Fazel, Chicharo, Joe, Sheard, Judy, , & Wilson, David (2008) The crisis in ICT education: an academic perspective. In McBeath, C & Atkinson, R (Eds.) Proceedings of the 25th Annual Conference of the Australian Society for Computers in Learning in Tertiary Education 2008. Deakin University, Australia, pp. 505-508.
Number of full-text downloads 298
Number of citations in Scopus 8


(2007) Phenomenography: 'Follow the yellow brick road'! In Exploring Methods in Information Literacy Research. Elsevier Ltd., pp. 87-110.
Number of citations in Scopus 20

, , & (2007) Models for Reflection and Learning: A Culturally Inclusive Response to the Information Literacy Imbalance. In Andretta, S (Ed.) Change and Challenge: Information Literacy for the 21th Century. Auslib Press, Australia, pp. 59-84.

(2007) Phenomenography : “Follow the yellow brick road!”. In Lipu, Suzanne, Williamson, Kristy, & Lloyd, Annemaree (Eds.) Exploring Methods in Information Literacy Research. Centre for Information Studies, Charles Sturt University, Wagga Wagga, NSW, pp. 87-110.
Number of full-text downloads 164

, , & (2007) What XML-IR Users May Want. Lecture Notes in Computer Science, 4518, Article number: INEX 423-431.
Number of full-text downloads 345
Number of citations in Scopus 1

& (2007) e-Learning and Learning Objects: Learning Information Searching in an e-Learning Environment. In Harman, K & Koohang, A (Eds.) Learning Objects: Applications, Implications, & Future Directions. Informing Science Press, United States of America, pp. 95-143.

, Thorpe, Clare E., & (2007) The practitioner’s experience and conception of evidence based library and information practice: an exploratory analysis. In 4th International Evidence Based Library and Information Practice Conference, 2007-05-06 - 2007-05-11.
Number of full-text downloads 924


, , & (2006) Comparing XML-IR Query Formation Interfaces. Australian Journal of Intelligent Information Processing Systems, 9(2), pp. 64-71.
Number of full-text downloads 239

, , & (2006) Comparing XML-IR Query Formation Interfaces. In Bruza, P, Spink, A, & Wilkinson, R (Eds.) Proceedings of the Eleventh Australasian Document Computing Symposium. Queensland University of Technology, Australia, pp. 64-71.
Number of full-text downloads 60

, , , & (2006) Developing a Research Culture and Scholarship Plan in Information Studies. In Pymm, B & Lloyd, A (Eds.) Proceedings of the 2nd Research Applications in Information and Library Studies Seminar. Centre for Information Studies, Charles Sturt University, Australia, pp. 11-22.
Number of full-text downloads 620

, , & (2006) Fostering a Reflective Approach to Online Information Use for Learning. In Orr, D, Nouwens, F, Danaher, P A, Harreveld, R E, & Macpherson, C (Eds.) Lifelong learning : partners, pathways, and pedagogies : Keynote and Refereed Papers from the 4th International Lifelong Learning Conference. Central Queensland University Press, Australia, pp. 143-150.
Number of full-text downloads 734

& (2006) Panning for Gold: Understanding Students' Information Searching Experiences. In Bruce, C, Mohay, G, Smith, G, Stoodley, I, & Tweedale, R (Eds.) Transforming IT Education: Promoting a Culture of Excellence. Informing Science Press, United States of America, pp. 351-370.
Number of full-text downloads 1,987

, , & (2006) Six Frames for Information Literacy Education. Innovations in Teaching and Learning in Information and Computer Sciences, 5(1), pp. 1-17.
Number of full-text downloads 172
Number of citations in Scopus 11
Number of citations in Web of Science® 9

(2006) Teaching Users How to Find that Needle in a Haystack: Enabling End User Information Literacy. In Orr, D, Nouwens, F, Danaher, P A, Harreveld, R E, & Macpherson, C (Eds.) Lifelong Learning: Partners, Pathways and Pedagogies. Central Queensland University Press, Australia, pp. 95-100.
Number of full-text downloads 383

& (2006) The rippling pond: ruminations and other musings on the development and use of an online learning environment. In Bruce, C, Mohay, G, Smith, G, Stoodley, I, & Tweedale, R (Eds.) Transforming IT Education: Promoting a Culture of Excellence. Informing Science Press, United States of America, California, Santa Rosa, pp. 257-274.
Number of full-text downloads 211


& (2005) Establishing the IT Student's Perspective to e-Learning: Preliminary Findings from a Queensland University of Technology Case Study. In Informing Science and Information Technology Education joint conference, 2005-06-16 - 2005-06-19.
Number of full-text downloads 426

, , & (2005) Information literacy research: the consolidation of a theme. In Middleton, M (Ed.) Research Applications in Information and Library Studies Seminar. Centre for Information Studies, Australia, New South Wales, Wagga Wagga, pp. 1-55.
Number of full-text downloads 1,704

, , , & (2005) Supporting explorative learning by providing collaborative online problem solving (COPS) environments. In Brown, A (Ed.) OLT Conference 2005. Queensland University of Technology, CD-ROM, pp. 81-89.
Number of full-text downloads 825


& (2004) The Rippling Pond: Ruminations and Other Musings on the Development and use of an Online Learning Environment in the Faculty of Information Technology. In Carrington, N (Ed.) Online Learning and Teaching (OLT) 2004 Conference Proceedings. Exploring Integrated Learning Environments. Department of Teaching and Learning Support Services, Queensland University of Technology, Brisbane, Queensland, pp. 149-158.
Number of full-text downloads 309

(2004) Web-Based Information Searching: Understanding Student Experiences in Order to Enhance the Development of this Critical Graduate Attribute. In Orr, D, Danaher, P, Nouwens, F, & Macpherson, C (Eds.) Refereed Papers from the 3rd International Lifelong Learning Conference. Lifelong Learning: Whose Responsibility and What is your Contribution. Central Queensland University Press, Rockhampton, Queensland, pp. 106-113.
Number of full-text downloads 792



& (2002) Needles, Haystacks, Filters and Me: The IT Confidence Dilemma. In Orr, D, Appleton, K, & Macpherson, C (Eds.) Refereed Papers International Lifelong Learning Conference 2002. Central Queensland University, Rockhampton, Queensland, pp. 165-171.
Number of full-text downloads 317

& (2002) Reflective Internet Searching: An Action Research Model. The Learning Organization, 9(4), pp. 180-188.
Number of full-text downloads 3,415
Number of citations in Scopus 27

& (2002) The assignment that triggered …change: Assessment and the relational learning model for generic capabilities. In Conference Paper presented at EARLI/SIGLearning communities and assessment cultures: connecting research with practice, 2002-08-28 - 2002-08-30.
Number of full-text downloads 291


(2000) Growing Your Business via the Internet: How to Effectively Design Your Website for E-commerce. In Proceedings of the Department of Primary Industries Queensland Information Supermarket 2000. Queensland Government, Brisbane, Australia.
Number of full-text downloads 492

(2000) You Have Provided Me With a New Set of Tools and Taught Me How to Use Them: Embedding Generic Skills Within the IT Curriculum. In Selected Papers from the Inaugural International Lifelong Learning Conference. Lifelong Learning Conference Committee, Rockhampton, Queensland, pp. 95-101.
Number of full-text downloads 521


, , & Collins, Juliet (1999) Internet site evaluation tool: students professional practice experience works towards the development of an Internet tool. Education for Library and Information Services: Australia, 16(2), pp. 15-17.
Number of full-text downloads 738


& (1998) Business Information: Five Key Findings of a Survey. The Australian Library Journal, pp. 61-73.
Number of full-text downloads 1,137

(1998) Fee based information services for business : an investigation of requirements. Masters by Research thesis, Queensland University of Technology.

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