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Number of items: 138.


, , & (2025) Inclusive classroom assessment and social justice. In Davis, James P., Adams, Sarah, Challen, Catherine, & Bourke, Theresa (Eds.) Designing Inclusive Assessment in Schools: A Guide to Disciplinary and Interdisciplinary Practice. Routledge, Abingdon, Oxon, pp. 141-148.


McGregor, Glenda & (2024) Deconstructing gendered approaches in 'single-sex' flexi schools: two Australian case studies. Australian Educational Researcher, 51(3), pp. 951-971.
Number of citations in Scopus 1
Number of citations in Web of Science® 1

McGregor, Glenda, , Riddle, S., & (2024) Community solutions for schooling engagement: Two Australian case studies. Pedagogy, Culture and Society, 32(3), pp. 657-674.
Number of full-text downloads 45

Riddle, Stewart, , McGregor, Glenda, & (2024) Student engagement in schools serving marginalised communities. International Journal of Inclusive Education, 28(6), pp. 723-738.
Number of full-text downloads 26
Number of citations in Scopus 6
Number of citations in Web of Science® 8

(2024) A 'trained' or 'educated' teacher workforce in a polycrisis?: A view from Australia. In Ellis, Viv (Ed.) Teacher Education in Crisis: The State, the Market and the Universities in England. Bloomsbury Academic, London, UK, pp. 205-212.
Number of full-text downloads 46


Riddle, Stewart, , & McGregor, Glenda (2023) Curricular justice and contemporary schooling: Towards a rich, common curriculum for all students. Curriculum Perspectives, 43(2), pp. 137-144.
Number of citations in Scopus 14

& Lingard, Bob (2023) Initial Teacher Education and Social Justice. In Menter, Ian (Ed.) The Palgrave Handbook of Teacher Education Research. Vol. 2. Palgrave Macmillan, Cham, Switzerland, pp. 1013-1034.
Number of citations in Scopus 2

Heffernan, Amanda & (2023) Love, care, and solidarity: understanding the emotional and affective labour of school leadership. Cambridge Journal of Education, 53(3), pp. 311-327.
Number of full-text downloads 137
Number of citations in Scopus 8
Number of citations in Web of Science® 6

Bradbury, Alice, Tereshchenko, Antonina, & (2023) Minoritised teachers' experiences of multiple, intersectional racisms in the school system in England: 'carrying the weight of racism'. Race Ethnicity and Education, 26(3), pp. 335-351.
Number of full-text downloads 55
Number of citations in Scopus 13
Number of citations in Web of Science® 13

Tereshchenko, Antonina & (2023) Retention of teachers from minority ethnic groups in disadvantaged schools. In Tierney, Rob, Rizvi, Fazal, Ercikan, Kadriye, & Mayer, Diane (Eds.) International Encyclopedia of Education. Vol. 5. [4th ed.]. Elsevier, Amsterdam, The Netherlands, pp. 127-133.

Gandolfi, Haira E. & (2023) Teachers for social justice: exploring the lives and work of teachers committed to social justice in education. Oxford Review of Education, 49(5), pp. 569-587.
Number of full-text downloads 95
Number of citations in Scopus 15
Number of citations in Web of Science® 10

(2023) Teaching and Teacher Education: A Bacchian Approach to Policy Analysis. In Wilkins, Andrew (Ed.) Policy Foundations of Education. Bloomsbury Academic, London, UK, pp. 115-140.


Clarke, Matthew & (2022) 'We have never been public:' Continuity and change in the policy production of 'the public' in education in England. European Educational Research Journal, 21(1), pp. 13-28.
Number of full-text downloads 70
Number of citations in Scopus 6
Number of citations in Web of Science® 3

Clarke, Matthew, , Mockler, Nicole, & Singh, Parlo (2022) What is the 'public' in public education? Mapping past, present and future educational imaginaries of Europe and beyond. European Educational Research Journal, 21(1), pp. 3-12.
Number of citations in Scopus 6
Number of citations in Web of Science® 6

& Thomson, Pat (2022) English schooling and little e and big E exclusion: what's equity got to do with it? Emotional and Behavioural Difficulties, 27(3), pp. 185-198.
Number of citations in Scopus 6
Number of citations in Web of Science® 5

& Gandolfi, Haira (2022) Radical Teachers Striving for a More Socially Just Education System: An 'Homage to Catalonia'. In Collet, Jordi, Naranjo, Mila, & Soldevila-Perez, Jesus (Eds.) Global Inclusive Education: Lessons from Spain. Springer, Cham, Switzerland, pp. 97-110.

, Riddle, Stewart, McGregor, Glenda, & (2022) Towards an understanding of curricular justice and democratic schooling. Journal of Educational Administration and History, 54(3), pp. 345-356.
Number of full-text downloads 121
Number of citations in Scopus 17
Number of citations in Web of Science® 7


, , Lynch, Deborah, & Dungan, John (2021) Approaches to Improving School Attendance: Insights From Australian Principals. Leadership and Policy in Schools, 20(3), pp. 404-415.
Number of citations in Scopus 3
Number of citations in Web of Science® 4

& McGregor, Glenda (2021) Critical perspectives in and approaches to educational leadership in Australia. In Courtney, Steven J., Gunter, Helen M., Niesche, Richard, & Trujillo, Tina (Eds.) Understanding Educational Leadership: Critical Perspectives and Approaches. Bloomsbury Academic, London, UK, pp. 45-58.

, McGregor, Glenda, Riddle, Stewart, & (2021) Educational Leadership and the Challenge of Engaging Young People in Meaningful Learning. In Brooks, Jeffrey S. & Heffernan, Amanda (Eds.) The School Leadership Survival Guide : What to do when things go wrong, how to learn from mistakes, and why you should prepare for the worst. Information Age Publishing, United States of America, pp. 187-199.

Mayer, Diane & (2021) Professionalism and teacher education in Australia and England. European Journal of Teacher Education, 44(1), pp. 45-61.
Number of citations in Scopus 44
Number of citations in Web of Science® 34

, Down, Barry, , Shore, Sue, & (2021) Strengthening a research-rich teaching profession: An Australian study. Teaching Education, 32(3), pp. 338-352.
Number of full-text downloads 121
Number of citations in Scopus 14
Number of citations in Web of Science® 15

, Mockler, Nicole, Stacey, Meghan, & Taylor, Becky (2021) Teachers’ orientations to educational research and data in England and Australia: implications for teacher professionalism. Teaching Education, 32(1), pp. 77-98.
Number of citations in Scopus 18
Number of citations in Web of Science® 11

, Mockler, Nicole, Stacey, Meghan, & Taylor, Becky (2021) ‘The village and the world’: research with, for and by teachers in an age of data. Teaching Education, 32(1), pp. 1-6.
Number of citations in Scopus 5
Number of citations in Web of Science® 3


te Riele, Kitty, McGregor, Glenda, , Baroutsis, Aspa, & Hayes, Debra (2020) Learning From Alternative Schools to Enhance School Completion. In Oxford Research Encyclopedia of Education. Oxford University Press, United Kingdom.


& Hextall, Ian (2019) The co-operative schools movement in England: who, where and why. International Journal of Inclusive Education, 23(11), pp. 1116-1133.
Number of citations in Scopus 4
Number of citations in Web of Science® 4

(2019) Reimagining the Teacher and Teaching in an Era of Low Teacher Retention. In Peters, Michael A. & Heraud, Richard (Eds.) Encyclopedia of Educational Innovation. Springer, Singapore.

, McGregor, Glenda, Riddle, Stewart, & (2019) Engaging students in schools serving high poverty communities. In Proceedings of the 2019 Australian Association for Research in Education Conference (AARE). Australian Association for Research in Education, Australia.


, Nuttall, Joce, Down, Barry, Shore, Sue, , , & Bussey, Katherine (2018) Strengthening a research-rich teaching profession for Australia. The Australian Teacher Education Association (ATEA), Australia.
Number of full-text downloads 45

, Waters, Richard, Renshaw, Peter, & Zipin, Lew (2018) ‘Dumping grounds' and 'rubbish tips': Challenging metaphors for alternative education provision. In Gannon, Susanne, Hattam, Robert, & Sawyer, Wayne (Eds.) Resisting Educational Inequality: Reframing Policy and Practice in Schools Serving Vulnerable Communities. Routledge, Abingdon, Oxon, pp. 183-200.
Number of citations in Scopus 4

McGregor, Glenda, Mills, Martin, Thomson, Pat, & Pennacchia, Jodie (Eds.) (2018) Alternative Educational Programmes, Schools and Social Justice. Routledge, London, UK.

& McGregor, Glenda (2018) Alternative schooling in Australia: Policy and practice. In Mills, Martin & McClusky, Gillean (Eds.) International perspectives on alternative education: Policy and practice. UCL Press, London, UK, pp. 66-85.

& (2018) Exploring spaces of belonging through analogies of 'family': Perspectives and experiences of disengaged young people at an alternative school. In Halse, Christine (Ed.) Interrogating Belonging for Young People in Schools. Springer, Cham, Switzerland, pp. 225-246.
Number of citations in Scopus 8

, Lynch, Deborah, & (2018) Improving School Attendance: Teacher, student and parent/carer perspectives from 10 school communities in Queensland. In Proceedings of the 2018 Australian Association for Research in Education Conference (AARE). Australian Association for Research in Education, Australia.

Baroutsis, Aspa, McGregor, Glenda, Mills, Martin, & te Riele, Kitty (Eds.) (2018) Teaching in Alternative and Flexible Education Settings. Routledge, Abingdon, Oxon.


Francis, Becky, , & Lupton, Ruth (2017) Towards social justice in education: contradictions and dilemmas. Journal of Education Policy, 32(4), pp. 414-431.
Number of citations in Scopus 88
Number of citations in Web of Science® 67

, , Kubler, Matthias, Tomaszewski, Wojtek, Lynch, Deborah, Phillips, Louise Gwenneth, Carroll, Annemaree, Dungan, John, Hellens, Andrea, & Sheppard, Karen (2017) Making Every Day Count: Effective strategies to improve student attendance in Queensland state schools. University of Queensland, Brisbane, QLD.

, Lynch, Deborah, & (2017) Approaches to Improving School Attendance: Principal's perspectives. In Proceedings of the 2017 Australian Association for Research in Education Conference (AARE). Australian Association for Research in Education, Australia.

te Riele, Kitty, , McGregor, Glenda, & (2017) Exploring the affective dimension of teachers' work in alternative school settings. Teaching Education, 28(1), pp. 56-71.
Number of full-text downloads 323
Number of citations in Scopus 24
Number of citations in Web of Science® 21

, Keddie, Amanda, Renshaw, Peter, & Monk, Sue (2017) The Politics of Differentiation in Schools. Routledge Research in Education. Routledge, Abingdon, Oxon.
Number of citations in Scopus 3

McGregor, Glenda, , te Riele, Kitty, , & Hayes, Debra (2017) Re-imagining schooling for education: Socially just alternatives (Palgrave Studies in Alternative Education). Palgrave Macmillan UK, United Kingdom.

te Riele, Kitty, , McGregor, Glenda, & (2017) Teaching in alternative and flexible education settings [Editorial]. Teaching Education, 28(1), pp. 8-11.
Number of full-text downloads 132
Number of citations in Scopus 10
Number of citations in Web of Science® 12

McGregor, Glenda & (2017) The Virtual Schoolbag and Pedagogies of Engagement. In Gobby, Brad & Walker, Rebecca (Eds.) Powers of Curriculum: Sociological Perspectives on Education. Oxford University Press, South Melbourne, Vic, pp. 373-392.

& Goos, Merrilyn (2017) The place of research in teacher education? An analysis of the Australian Teacher Education Ministerial Advisory Group Report Action Now: Classroom ready teachers. In Peters, Michael A., Cowie, Bronwen, & Menter, Ian (Eds.) A Companion to Research in Teacher Education. Springer, Singapore, pp. 637-650.
Number of citations in Scopus 19


Pennacchia, Jodie, Thomson, Pat, , & McGregor, Glenda (2016) Alternative programmes, alternative schools and social justice. Critical Studies in Education, 57(1), pp. 1-5.
Number of citations in Scopus 11
Number of citations in Web of Science® 11

(2016) Addressing social justice dilemmas: The case of male teachers and alternative provision of education. In Blackmore, Jill (Ed.) Educational Leadership and Nancy Fraser. Routledge, Abingdon, Oxon, pp. 85-97.

, McGregor, Glenda, , te Riele, Kitty, & Hayes, Debra (2016) Alternative education and social justice: considering issues of affective and contributive justice. Critical Studies in Education, 57(1), pp. 100-115.
Number of full-text downloads 318
Number of citations in Scopus 55
Number of citations in Web of Science® 52

& McGregor, Glenda (2016) Alternative education: Providing support to the disenfranchised. International Journal of Child, Youth and Family Studies, 7(2), pp. 198-217.
Number of full-text downloads 127
Number of citations in Web of Science® 12

, McGregor, Glenda, & (2016) Pedagogic voice: student voice in teaching and engagement pedagogies. Pedagogy, Culture and Society, 24(1), pp. 123-140.
Number of citations in Scopus 81
Number of citations in Web of Science® 72

, , McGregor, Glenda, te Riele, Kitty, & Hayes, Debra (2016) Student voice and the community forum: finding ways of 'being heard' at an alternative school for disenfranchised young people. British Educational Research Journal, 42(3), pp. 438-453.
Number of full-text downloads 201
Number of citations in Scopus 31
Number of citations in Web of Science® 25


Pini, Barbara & (2015) Constructing the rural in education: the case of Outback Kids in Australia. British Journal of Sociology of Education, 36(4), pp. 577-594.
Number of citations in Scopus 8
Number of citations in Web of Science® 9

& Pini, Barbara (2015) Punishing kids: The rise of the 'boot camp'. International Journal of Inclusive Education, 19(3), pp. 270-284.
Number of citations in Scopus 14
Number of citations in Web of Science® 8

, Riddell, Sheila, & Hjörne, Eva (2015) After exclusion what? International Journal of Inclusive Education, 19(6), pp. 561-567.
Number of citations in Scopus 12
Number of citations in Web of Science® 12

McGregor, Glenda, , Te Riele, Kitty, & Hayes, Debra (2015) Excluded from school: Getting a second chance at a 'meaningful' education. International Journal of Inclusive Education, 19(6), pp. 608-625.
Number of citations in Scopus 81
Number of citations in Web of Science® 69

Cousins, Andrew & (2015) Gender and high school chemistry: student perceptions on achievement in a selective setting. Cambridge Journal of Education, 45(2), pp. 187-204.
Number of citations in Scopus 5
Number of citations in Web of Science® 6

Geelan, David, Christie, Pam, , Keddie, Amanda, Renshaw, Peter, & Monk, Sue (2015) Lessons from Alison: A narrative study of differentiation in classroom teaching. International Journal of Pedagogies and Learning, 10(1), pp. 13-23.
Number of citations in Scopus 4
Number of citations in Web of Science® 4

, McGregor, Glenda, Hayes, Debra, & te Riele, Kitty (2015) 'Schools are for us': The importance of distribution recognition and representation to creating socially just schools. In Trimmer, Karen, Black, Ali, & Riddle, Stewart (Eds.) Mainstreams, Margins and the Spaces In-between: New Possibilities for Education Research. Routledge, Abingdon, Oxon, pp. 150-167.

Lingard, Bob, , Carrington, Victoria, , & Sellar, Sam (2015) Two special papers in this issue of Discourse. Discourse: Studies in the Cultural Politics of Education, 36(3), pp. 303-305.

Gowlett, Christina, Keddie, Amanda, , Renshaw, Peter, Christie, Pam, Geelan, David, & Monk, Sue (2015) Using Butler to understand the multiplicity and variability of policy reception. Journal of Education Policy, 30(2), pp. 149-164.
Number of citations in Scopus 17
Number of citations in Web of Science® 13

(2015) The tyranny of no alternative: Co-operating in a competitive marketplace. International Journal of Inclusive Education, 19(11), pp. 1172-1189.
Number of citations in Scopus 9
Number of citations in Web of Science® 7


& Niesche, Richard (2014) School reform and the emotional demands of principals: Lorna's story. School Leadership and Management, 34(2), pp. 120-135.
Number of citations in Scopus 27
Number of citations in Web of Science® 24

, Monk, Sue, Keddie, Amanda, Renshaw, Peter, Christie, Pam, Geelan, David, & Gowlett, Christina (2014) Differentiated learning: from policy to classroom. Oxford Review of Education, 40(3), pp. 331-348.
Number of citations in Scopus 62
Number of citations in Web of Science® 55

Pini, Barbara, Moletsane, Relebohile, & (2014) Education and the global rural: Feminist perspectives. Gender and Education, 26(5), pp. 453-464.
Number of citations in Scopus 21
Number of citations in Web of Science® 19

, Martino, Wayne, & Lingard, Bob (2014) Getting boys' education ‘right’: The Australian government's parliamentary inquiry report as an exemplary instance of recuperative masculinity politics. In Politics, Policies and Pedagogies in Education: The Selected Works of Bob Lingard. Routledge, Abingdon, Oxon, pp. 178-191.

Lingard, Bob, , Seller, Sam, Brennan, Marie, , Renshaw, Peter, Waters, Richard, & Zipin, Lew (2014) Learning Commission Report: Connecting schools with communities. University of Queensland and Victoria University, Australia.
Number of full-text downloads 372

(2014) Making sense of debates in the education and masculinities field. British Journal of Sociology of Education, 35(6), pp. 946-952.
Number of citations in Web of Science® 1

McGregor, Glenda & (2014) Teaching in the ‘margins’: rekindling a passion for teaching. British Journal of Sociology of Education, 35(1), pp. 1-18.
Number of citations in Scopus 13
Number of citations in Web of Science® 12


Lingard, Bob, Martino, Wayne, & (2013) Managing oppositional masculinity politics: The gendering of a government-commissioned research project. International Journal of Qualitative Studies in Education, 26(4), pp. 434-454.
Number of citations in Scopus 3
Number of citations in Web of Science® 1

Monk, Sue, , Renshaw, Peter, Geelan, David, Keddie, Amanda, & Gowlett, Christina (2013) Investigating 'moments' for student agency through a differentiated music curriculum. International Journal of Pedagogies and Learning, 8(3), pp. 179-193.
Number of citations in Scopus 5
Number of citations in Web of Science® 5

Keddie, Amanda, Gowlett, Christina, , Monk, Sue, & Renshaw, Peter (2013) Beyond culturalism: Addressing issues of Indigenous disadvantage through schooling. Australian Educational Researcher, 40(1), pp. 91-108.
Number of citations in Scopus 28
Number of citations in Web of Science® 18

, Renshaw, Peter, & Zipin, Lew (2013) Alternative education provision: A dumping ground for 'wasted lives' or a challenge to the mainstream? Social Alternatives, 32(2), pp. 13-18.
Number of citations in Web of Science® 18

Niesche, Richard & (2013) Creating 'Temperamental Artistes': a longitudinal study of leadership capacity building in disadvantaged schools. In Eacott, Scott & Niesche, Richard (Eds.) Empirical Leadership Research: Letting the Data Speak for Themselves. Untested Ideas Research Center, Niagara Falls, NY, pp. 143-164.

(2013) Men, feminism and education: Personal reflections. In Weaver-Hightower, Marcus B. & Skelton, Christine (Eds.) Leaders in Gender and Education: Intellectual Self-Portraits. Sense Publishers, Rotterdam, The Netherlands, pp. 193-204.
Number of citations in Scopus 1

& Mitchell, Jane (2013) Where is pedagogy in teaching and teacher education?: The production of pre-fabricated teachers. In Beckett, Lori (Ed.) Teacher Education through Active Engagement: Raising the professional voice. Routledge, Abingdon, Oxon, pp. 83-95.
Number of citations in Scopus 3

(2013) The work of Nancy Fraser and a socially just education system. In Irby, Beverly J., Brown, Genevieve, Lara-Aiecio, Rafael, & Jackson, Shirley A. (Eds.) The Handbook of Educational Theories. Information Age Publishing, Charlotte, NC, pp. 1027-1034.
Number of citations in Web of Science® 6


(2012) Schools, violence, masculinities and privilege. In Saltmarsh, Sue, Robinson, Kerry H., & Davies, Cristyn (Eds.) Rethinking School Violence: Theory, Gender, Context. Palgrave Macmillan, London, UK, pp. 94-110.
Number of citations in Scopus 4
Number of citations in Web of Science® 10

Francis, Becky & (2012) What would a socially just education system look like? Journal of Education Policy, 27(5), pp. 577-585.
Number of citations in Scopus 26
Number of citations in Web of Science® 20

McGregor, Glenda & (2012) Alternative education sites and marginalised young people: I wish there were more schools like this one. International Journal of Inclusive Education, 16(8), pp. 843-862.
Number of citations in Scopus 111
Number of citations in Web of Science® 96

Francis, Becky & (2012) Schools as damaging organisations: Instigating a dialogue concerning alternative models of schooling. Pedagogy, Culture and Society, 20(2), pp. 251-271.
Number of citations in Scopus 62
Number of citations in Web of Science® 53

Lingard, Bob, , & Weaver-Hightower, Marcus B. (2012) Interrogating recuperative masculinity politics in schooling. International Journal of Inclusive Education, 16(4), pp. 407-421.
Number of citations in Scopus 24
Number of citations in Web of Science® 19

McGregor, Glenda, , & Thomson, Pat (2012) Educating in the margins, lessons for the mainstream: Australia. In Wrigley, Terry, Thomson, Pat, & Lingard, Bob (Eds.) Changing Schools: Alternative Ways to Make a World of Difference. Routledge, Abingdon, Oxon, pp. 47-60.
Number of citations in Scopus 5


Keddie, Amanda, , & Pendergast, Donna (2011) Fabricating an identity in neo-liberal times: Performing schooling as 'number one'. Oxford Review of Education, 37(1), pp. 75-92.
Number of citations in Scopus 61
Number of citations in Web of Science® 48

& Goos, Merrilyn (2011) Productive pedagogies in the mathematics classroom: Case studies of quality and equity. In Atweh, Bill, Graven, Mellony, Secada, Walter, & Valero, Paola (Eds.) Mapping Equity and Quality in Mathematics Education. Springer, Dordrecht, Netherlands, pp. 479-491.
Number of citations in Scopus 5
Number of citations in Web of Science® 5

McGregor, Glenda & (2011) Sketching alternative visions of schooling. Social Alternatives, pp. 20-24.
Number of citations in Web of Science® 5


Mitchell, Jane, Hayes, Debra, & (2010) Crossing school and university boundaries to reshape professional learning and research practices. Professional Development in Education, 36(3), pp. 491-509.
Number of citations in Scopus 12
Number of citations in Web of Science® 7

& McGregor, Glenda (2010) Re-engaging students in education: Success factors in alternative schools. Youth Affairs Network of Queensland, Australia.
Number of full-text downloads 184


, Goos, Merrilyn, Keddie, Amanda, Honan, Eileen, Pendergast, Donna, Gilbert, Rob, Nichols, Kim, Renshaw, Peter, & Wright, Tony (2009) Productive pedagogies: A redefined methodology for analysing quality teacher practice. Australian Educational Researcher, 36(3), pp. 67-87.
Number of citations in Scopus 27
Number of citations in Web of Science® 25

Keddie, Amanda & (2009) Disrupting masculinised spaces: Teachers working for gender justice. Research Papers in Education, 24(1), pp. 29-43.
Number of citations in Scopus 10
Number of citations in Web of Science® 10

Lingard, Bob, Martino, Wayne, & (2009) Boys and schooling: Beyond structural reform. Palgrave Macmillan, Basingstoke, UK.
Number of citations in Scopus 44
Number of citations in Web of Science® 2

, Francis, Becky, & Skelton, Christine (2009) Gender policies in Australia and the United Kingdom: The construction of 'new' boys and girls. In Martino, Wayne, Kehler, Michael D., & Weaver-Hightower, Marcus B. (Eds.) The Problem with Boys' Education: Beyond the Backlash. Routledge, Abingdon, Oxon, pp. 36-55.
Number of citations in Scopus 12

Keddie, Amanda & (2009) Global Politics, Gender Justice and Education: Contemporary Issues and Debates. In Ayers, William, Quinn, Therese, & Stovall, David (Eds.) Handbook of Social Justice in Education. Routledge, New York, NY, pp. 107-119.
Number of citations in Scopus 3

Jóhannesson, Ingólfur Ásgeir, Lingard, Bob, & (2009) Possibilities in the boy turn? Comparative lessons from Australia and Iceland. Scandinavian Journal of Educational Research, 53(4), pp. 309-325.
Number of citations in Scopus 13
Number of citations in Web of Science® 9


Dillabough, Jo Anne, McLeod, Julie, & (2008) In search of allies and others: 'Troubling' gender and education. Discourse, 29(3), pp. 301-310.
Number of citations in Scopus 15

Keddie, Amanda, Mills, Carmen, & (2008) Struggles to subvert the gendered field: Issues of masculinity, rurality and class. Pedagogy, Culture and Society, 16(2), pp. 193-205.
Number of citations in Scopus 18
Number of citations in Web of Science® 17

, Haase, Malcolm, & Charlton, Emma (2008) Being the 'right' kind of male teacher: The disciplining of John. Pedagogy, Culture and Society, 16(1), pp. 71-84.
Number of citations in Scopus 62
Number of citations in Web of Science® 56


(2007) Issues of masculinity and violence and the current boys' debate in Australia. Redress: Journal of the Association of Women Educators, 16(2), pp. 20-25.

Charlton, Emma, , Martino, Wayne, & Beckett, Lori (2007) Sacrificial girls: A case study of the impact of streaming and setting on gender reform. British Educational Research Journal, 33(4), pp. 459-478.
Number of citations in Scopus 28
Number of citations in Web of Science® 21

Keddie, Amanda & (2007) Teaching for gender justice. Australian Journal of Education, 51(2), pp. 205-219.
Number of citations in Scopus 8
Number of citations in Web of Science® 7

Lingard, Bob & (2007) Pedagogies making a difference: Issues of social justice and inclusion. International Journal of Inclusive Education, 11(3), pp. 233-244.
Number of citations in Scopus 101

Keddie, Amanda & (2007) Teaching Boys: Developing classroom practices that work. Routledge, Abingdon, Oxon.
Number of citations in Scopus 2

& Keddie, Amanda (2007) Teaching boys and gender justice. International Journal of Inclusive Education, 11(3), pp. 335-354.
Number of citations in Scopus 24


Lingard, Bob, , & Hayes, Debra (2006) Enabling and aligning assessment for learning: Some research and policy lessons from Queensland. International Studies in Sociology of Education, 16(2), pp. 83-103.
Number of citations in Scopus 30
Number of citations in Web of Science® 21

McGregor, Glenda & (2006) Boys and music education: RMXing the curriculum. Pedagogy, Culture and Society, 14(2), pp. 221-233.
Number of citations in Scopus 26
Number of citations in Web of Science® 19

(2006) Issues of masculinity and violence in Australian schools. In Leach, Fiona & Mitchell, Claudia (Eds.) Combating Gender Violence in and around Schools. Trentham Books, Stoke-on-Trent.

Hayes, Debra, , Christie, Pam, & Lingard, Bob (2006) Teachers and schooling making a difference: Productive pedagogies, assessment and performance.. Routledge, Abingdon, Oxon.
Number of citations in Scopus 9


Martino, Wayne, , & Lingard, Bob (2005) Interrogating single-sex classes as a strategy for addressing boys' educational and social needs. Oxford Review of Education, 31(2), pp. 237-254.
Number of citations in Scopus 54
Number of citations in Web of Science® 30


Martino, Wayne, Lingard, Bob, & (2004) Issues in boys' education: A question of teacher threshold knowledges? Gender and Education, 16(4), pp. 435-454.
Number of citations in Scopus 84
Number of citations in Web of Science® 65

Hayes, Debra, Christie, Pam, , & Lingard, Bob (2004) Productive leaders and productive leadership: Schools as learning organisations. Journal of Educational Administration, 42(5), pp. 520-538.
Number of citations in Scopus 49

, Martino, Wayne, & Lingard, Bob (2004) Attracting, recruiting and retaining male teachers: Policy issues in the male teacher debate. British Journal of Sociology of Education, 25(3), pp. 355-369.
Number of citations in Scopus 153
Number of citations in Web of Science® 127

(2004) The media, marketing, and single sex schooling. Journal of Education Policy, 19(3), pp. 343-360.
Number of citations in Scopus 14
Number of citations in Web of Science® 12

(2004) Male teachers, homophobia, misogyny and teacher education. Teaching Education, 15(1), pp. 27-39.
Number of citations in Scopus 43


Lingard, Bob, Hayes, Debra, & (2003) Teachers and productive pedagogies: Contextualising, conceptualising, utilising. Pedagogy, Culture and Society, 11(3), pp. 399-424.
Number of citations in Scopus 116

Lingard, Bob, Hayes, Debra, , & Christie, Pam (2003) Leading Learning: Making Hope Practical In Schools. Open University Press, Maidenhead, UK.

(2003) Shaping the boys' agenda: the backlash blockbusters. International Journal of Inclusive Education, 7(1), pp. 57-73.
Number of citations in Scopus 99


Lingard, Bob, Hayes, Debra, & (2002) Developments in school-based management: The specific case of Queensland, Australia. Journal of Educational Administration, 40(1), pp. 6-30.
Number of citations in Scopus 64

(2002) Boys, schooling and backlash politics. In Pearce, S. & Muller, V. (Eds.) Manning the Next Millennium: Studies in Masculinities. Black Swan Press, Bentley, WA, pp. 169-184.

Milojevic, Ivana, , , , & Land, Ray (2002) Moving Forward: Students and teachers against racism. Eleanor Curtain Publishing, Australia, Melbourne.


Roulston, Kathy & (2000) Male Teachers in Feminised Teaching Areas: Marching to the beat of the men's movement drums? Oxford Review of Education, 26(2), pp. 221-237.
Number of citations in Scopus 82
Number of citations in Web of Science® 63


& Lingard, Bob (1997) Masculinity politics, myths and boys' schooling: A review essay. British Journal of Educational Studies, 45(3), pp. 276-292.
Number of citations in Scopus 30


(1996) 'Homophobia Kills': A disruptive moment in the educational politics of legitimation. British Journal of Sociology of Education, 17(3), pp. 315-326.
Number of citations in Scopus 21
Number of citations in Web of Science® 10

This list was generated on Sun Feb 16 07:12:32 2025 AEST.